Why travel with Mexcal?
Personalized travel assistance:
At Mexcal we understand how important is to you to have the right and reliable services for the limited time you have for vacations. Our priority is to make sure your trip has all the adventure, comfort and security you expect while visiting Latin America. We also count with the exact type of vehicles, accommodation and services you expect for your tour (from SUV´s to boats, helicopters or airplanes). And it is our mission that you go back home with the feeling you had an amazing travel experience. Whether you want to come and have an exciting adventure, see the culture and traditions or simply come and relax.
Private vehicles:
Mexcal Travel offers the travel logistics you are looking for your trip, whether you are traveling on your own, with family, friends or for business (we offer the best prices for groups looking for private & custom services). We offer all the services you need and can assist you with hotel bookings and all land, water and air transportation. We also count with experienced drivers and the right vehicles for your trip. Not to mention that when you book one of our itineraries you count with a vehicle and driver and flexibility by being private services so you can stop for a snack, to take a photo or use the restrooms with no rush.
24/7 support by phone:
Mexcal provides personal services and we make sure our clients know they have our attention, we do not sell collective services, we can assist you with them but our focus is private services so we can make sure that every single bit of the itineraries we offer happen just as you expect, and our customer service phone line is on 24/7 for our clients whether is to provide you with the information you need, to translate for you or assist you in any case.